Distance Learning

In response to the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Minnesota, The Journey School is addressing the continued education of your child by transitioning to distance learning, Teachers will be in touch with students and families regularly to support distance learning. 

The Journey School is committed to continuing to provide your child an excellent education. We have designed a distance learning program to support students and families during school closure. In order to support your student to continue their learning during closure, below are a list things you can do as a parent, and design a basic schedule for your student’s day and stick to this schedule regularly. The more routine and consistency in the student’s day, the better for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Here is an outline of what to incorporate for your student each day:

  • Students need a consistent area that can be their place of learning and work
  • Students should have easy access to books and supplies they need, and ways to keep their subjects and projects organized
  • Avoid distractions: No TV, loud noises, etc.
  • Contain each child’s materials using folders, bins, baskets, etc. and label them as math folder, reading folder, etc.
  • Plan the routine/schedule and include them in the planning.
    • Post the schedule
    • Be consistent
    • Sit down and walk through assignments during a preplanned block of time
    • Complete the assignments early and often
    • Use a timer to indicate periods for different subjects
    • Provide choice in subjects and breaks as needed
    • Consider doing the subject in a way that your child can move
    • At the end of each “school day” have a conversation about what went well, what they enjoyed, and what they might do differently tomorrow
  • Communicate with your child’s teacher
    • A key component to Distance Learning is communication.  Reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions
  • Relax
    • Don’t stress about changes and challenges that may pop up – we are all learning and growing together
    • We are here to help


While students may not be physically onsite in the traditional way, attendance must be taken daily.  Teachers will record attendance daily through JMC before 7:00 PM by contacting you through email, phone, students’ homework packets, etc.  Students will be expected to interact with their teacher and/or content in some observable way once per day to be counted as present.  In the event that isn’t working for some families, our teachers will work with you to determine a process that does.  Our goal is to use attendance as a way of ensuring that you and your child have the support you need.


The weekly homework packets will be available for pick up at TJS on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 AM – noon.  Staff will email and/or deliver packets when notified.  Teachers will also have a sample class schedule for you to implement at home.  We will be grading similarly to how we have in the past. We will focus on Standards Based Grades. In short, teachers will be looking at student work and performances to determine how students are progressing towards ‘mastery’ of the state standards.

Your child’s teacher will be available by email and phone from 8:00am – 2:00pm.  If you have questions, please email the teacher or call the school office, and the teacher will get back to you. 

  • Students should complete at least one activity from each subject area daily
  • For grades K-2 the activities should take 45 minutes – 2 hours per day
  • For grades 3-6 the activities should take approximately 2 hours per day
  • Remember to sign the bottom of the weekly Distance Learning form and return it to your child’s teacher


Meals for students will be provided at TJS during distance learning.  You must contact Mrs. Shannon Gostchock for more information AND to order your child’s meals at (612) 389-1579 or by email at shannong@thejourneyschool.org.  The meals will be handed out in a drive-thru manner on Wednesdays from 10:00am-11:30am at TJS.

TJS students may also pick up breakfast and lunch at St. Paul Public Schools bus routes.

Special Education

During this time, face-to-face instruction is not allowed which includes direct services and some of the assessments that may be required during Special Education Evaluations.                                                        

Process for Special Education Services and Supports through distance learning:   

  • Special Education case managers will connect with each family on their caseload to determine the mode of communication that will work for their student to participate in Special Education Services.
  • After connecting with families, Special Education services will be scheduled for each student and a schedule of services will be provided to families. Copies of that student’s scheduled services will also be part of the student’s special education file.
  • Special Education case managers will be documenting data on student goals and objectives, contact dates/times with students/families and service activities delivered.
  • Special Education case managers and General Education teachers will collaborate to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to the same opportunities, including the provision of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).                                                                               

Process for Special Education Due Process during the distance learning timeframe:

  • All Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings will be held via phone or conducted virtually.
  • Initial Evaluations and Re-Evaluations will be completed to the best of our abilities with the limitations that districts are required to follow. This may mean if there is a face-to-face component REQUIRED to meet state special education criteria, the evaluation will be completed when students return to school.
  • Progress Reports will continue to be completed and provided to families.

*All documentation will be filed in the student’s special education binder once special education instruction is completed and teachers have access to special education binders. *


Families who do not have access to a device and/or internet are encouraged to access the following resources.  Once devices are secured, families may access the internet using the following options: 

  • Use mobile technology – conference calls.
  • Comcast is offering two months free to new Internet Essentials customers in response to anticipated emergency measures associated with the COVID-19. 
  • Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for  free – including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit  www.xfinity.com/wifi. Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the “xfinitywifi”  network name in the list of available hotspots, and then launch a browser. 
  • CenturyLink offers Lifeline, a low-cost internet service, to individuals who qualify.

Distance Learning Form

Distance Learning Form also available as a Word Document.