- The Journey School is an open enrollment public charter school.
- New Kindergarten applicants must be 5 by September 1st
- Each student must complete an individual application (i.e. not one application for the family).
Registration Period
The application period for the upcoming school year begins the first Monday in December. In order to be included in The Journey School’s lottery for available seats, a student’s application must be received by the last Friday in February.
Official Enrollment and Lottery
In the event that we receive more applicants than spots available, The Journey School is required to conduct a lottery.
- In the event that it is needed the lottery will take place on the second Thursday in March
- Families will be notified of their enrollment status after the third Thursday in March
- All new applications will be entered into the lottery. Enrollment will be determined based on the order selected from the lottery
- Prior to accepting students by lottery, The Journey School provides enrollment preferences in the following situations:
- Siblings and foster siblings of currently enrolled students. Siblings are defined as children who share a legal guardian with a currently enrolled student
- Children of school staff
- The Journey School shall not discriminate against any student based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, religion or creed, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, disability, prior measures of achievement, aptitude, athletic ability, or for any other basis that would be unlawful for a public or charter school