The Journey School makes every effort to provide a healthy and safe environment for all our students and staff by providing clear health rules and procedures. Highlights are below.
Not sure if you should keep your child home or bring them to school when they’re feeling sick? The Journey School will only ask parents to keep their children home if they are showing any of the following symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Chills and fever
- Swollen glands
- Skin rash
- Diarrhea
- Discharging ear
To excuse your child from school because of an illness, please notify the school office by 8:00 a.m. You can reach us at 612-389-1579
The Journey School requests that all parents enrolling their children at The Journey School present a copy of their child’s immunization record. Per state legislation on immunization, we require all students enrolled at The Journey School to have the following immunizations:
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Polio
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella (German measles).
These requirements can be waived only if a properly signed medical or conscientious exemption is filed with the school.
If your student needs to bring medications to school, whether prescription or over the counter, our friendly school staff are able to assist with administering their medications. To ensure your student’s safety, we ask that parents provide such medications in a prescription bottle or container properly labeled by a physician. In addition, parents should provide written instructions signed by a parent and physician that include the following information:
- Student’s name
- Name of medication
- Dosage
- Possible side effects
- End date for administering medicine
Form: Authorization for the Administration of Medication/Treatment
If your child falls ill or becomes injured while at school, The Journey School will notify parents immediately. Please make sure that your emergency contact information is always up to date, and notify us immediately of any changes.