The Journey School believes that together we can do what we cannot do alone. Our school community will grow together if we support, cooperate, and unite. To accomplish this goal, each year, The Journey School staff will identify and describe needs that can be filled by volunteer help. These needs will then be presented to parents. Each family will be expected to volunteer TWO times per each child enrolled in The Journey School. This program benefits all.
- Opportunities will be offered for parents to see and participate in student’s everyday life at school or in after-school activities.
- Parents will bring their own talents and gifts into the school to be enjoyed by both students and staff.
- Sample Projects: Marathon, Field Trips, Tutoring, Concessions, Health Screening, Decorating, Wellness Policy and much more.
We expect that there will be occasions when parents have questions or concerns. No one will benefit if parents keep their questions and concerns to themselves, or worse yet, if they discuss them only with those who are not in a position to adequately deal with them.
Questions or concerns related to a school policy should be presented to the Director. If the Director fails to adequately address the situation, the issue should be brought to the School Board.
Parents should contact the classroom teacher outside of school hours if a question or concern arises. The classroom teacher is familiar with the child and can address the question or concern from direct observation. The Director or others would not have the advantage of direct involvement. If, after discussing the situation with the teacher, the parents feel the need to pursue the situation, they should then contact the Director. If necessary, a meeting of the Director, teacher, and parents will be set up to address the situation in a positive manner.
This information is included to inform parents of the legal responsibility of school staff members. Under Minnesota law, administration is required to report suspected physical and sexual abuse and certain forms of neglect such as a failure to provide necessary food, clothing, shelter, health care, and supervision. Reports must be made to the Hennepin/Ramsey County Protection Program or to the police. Educational personnel, such as teachers and staff members, are required to report. A person who is required to report but fails to do so can be charged.
The Journey School believes that a quality education results from a partnership between parents, students, and the school. We believe The Journey School’s vision for academic excellence and commitment to developing the personal character and leadership potential of each student cannot be fulfilled without parental involvement.
Parents will be notified of parental involvement opportunities throughout the year by the school’s newsletter, teachers, or school leaders. Parental involvement includes activities such as participating in parent engagement meetings, volunteering to work in the school, and joining event committees.
We hold ourselves accountable to the families we serve and look to them to provide their energy and talents in support of our mission and vision. Together, we will develop a dynamic and nurturing school community.